Monday, October 03, 2005

Rosh Hashanah Challah

It was about quarter to nine this morning, the morning before Rosh Hashanah eve, when I realized that I'd forgotten to mix the dough last night. Oy. We didn't have any eggs either.

So it wasn't until 9:30 I got started. I did a few tricks, like warming the yeast water in the microwave for a minute. By 10 the dough was done. I let it rise until 1 pm, and it had more than doubled.

After folding it a few times, I rolled it into a fat tube and "braided" it into a hat/turban. I've never managed to get a perfectly round challah. This one was pretty close. When I've got time (ha!) I'll post a photo.

The bread rose for about an hour -- it's important with the big round challahs to let it rise for a while. Actually, now that I think about it, it must've been about 1:15 because the bread wasn't done until 3pm -- with 45 minutes of baking a must for this size.

Meanwhile, I almost forgot to pick up the kids.

The challah was delicious though. Harry said, "Dad, I love your Challah. When I get old enough, I want you to give me the recipe." I told him that he could buy a copy of my book. (Not really. I told him "of course, sweetheart." But it's a good line.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd love to have some challah..

6:35 PM  

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